Fill Out Our Connect Card!

You were meant to be known and loved by a church family. We want to show you that you matter to us and to God. So help us get to know you by filling out our very short Digital Connect Card by clicking the green button below.

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This Week's Announcements


Each year, CSF collects used furniture to give to students who have come to the US from over seas. These students are never able to bring furniture so they end up in a dorm or an apartment with very little. It's an amazing place to donate furniture items you're no longer using. If you would like more information on what items they're looking for and how to sign up to donate click the green button.



Next Steps is a short gathering that meets on the first Sunday of each month after the 10am service. It’s for anyone who is newer to our church or anyone looking to get more involved in our church. If you’ve been attending and would like to know what your next step of faith is, click HERE. Next Steps in August will be held on August 4th right after the 10am Service!